Posted by sientjay55 at on April 16, 2002 at 18:07:23:
Thanks for reading this...
hi my name is Graham (like the cracker) i just wanted to tell you how brilliant you are.I mean Dogma was one of the best movies i have ever seen.It made so many great points about religion.and i loved Clerck(real and cartoon),Mallrats,Jay & Silent Bob strike back,Chasing Amy....All ur movies are so well thought out. I have each one one DVD & VHS including Drawing Flies"GREAT FILM" i wached jay and bob s/b(with comentary)and just listning to you talk really shows how much u love love your films and characters.And ever since i saw clerck iv wanted to be a director like you.Me and my friend Nick make little shorts called "Jay & Silent Bob.....The Teen years" we have made 8 so far each of them are about 10 minutes each.We even did Your "Kid in the helmet" skit on our ride home frome school one day and filmed it!even our bus driver said the lines we gave him.Im 15 and I just wanted to tell u that your awsome.Im trying 2 raise money right now to go to Red Bank.NJ just to visit Walt and Jay & Silent Bobs Secret Stash.Also when i wached J&Sbob strike back on dvd i laughed because I Also have a Framed "MALLRATS" Poster in my room.If you could e-mail me that would be cool im at
See ya later Mr.Smith:Graham Denman :)