Posted by whynotsmile99 at on November 15, 2002 at 09:41:32:
first of all, this was pretty surprising. hes a great character actor who really has been in just about everything. anyway, the entire search of his house revolves aroun this 17 year old kid. i know 18 is the legal age for sex. will the boys age (lets say he was 17 when jones had sex with him) be a factor in the case, considering how close he was to being 18? i fail to see how having sex with a 10 year old is equal to that of a 17 year old. so techinally, jones could go around screwing anyone he wants if they are over 18, but if they are 17 and nine months his life is over? just curious. just doesnt seem right
looks like hes screwed either way. they found loads of kiddie porn in hi house