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Posted by riley at on December 31, 2002 at 12:23:07:

In Reply to: Who's Amy analysis (kevin could you read it?) posted by dabezt on December 31, 2002 at 12:18:28:

The cinema as artistic expression is one more a form to reflect feelings, passed emotions, experiences, yearnings... to make a film from the artistic and noncommercial point of view, imply a restlessness on the part of the artist or in this case director: Therefore, assuming that there is an origin, a reason that it impels to this a to reflect that restlessness in the screen, is worthy of attention to consider why Kevin Smith, the director gamberro of N. Jersey, the new promise of the independent, heterosexual, satirical cinema and with a humor perhaps too near the escatología and dirty sex, decides to count a history of feelings, a sad history of love between a heterosexual man and a lesbian. Perhaps in order to find the true origin we must go back to 1994, when Clerks (Ídem)y Go fish (Ídem. Rose Troche). they agreed in the festival of Sundance. Therefore, Smith knew the director Go fish and her coproducer and coscriptwriter Guinevere Turner. That encounter in relation to the film of Smith: Persecuting to Amy (all type of speculations as far as the type of relation has de)generado that could arise between Smith and Guinevere. Official history speech of friendship and curiosity towards the lésbico world on the part of the director after the encounter, the rumors of fans, nevertheless, aim at a possible loving relation between both, or rather at a corresponded love not had logically to the sexual inclination of Guinevere. If we took this last hypothesis like certain, he would not be preposterous to imagine that feeling despechado and hurt, it decided to make a film in which the protagonist if it obtained the love of the apparently lesbian girl. He can which it is certain that Smith somehow tried to make a film in which the lesbian girl, the one who under no concept would lie down, or is more, would dare to love a man, ends up considering the idea and in fact completing it. And he can that is certain also that from that point of view, the gay-lésbico group could feel indignant, but Smith in their fantasy really does not raise a conversion of a handsome girl to whom she wishes the good way. By I oppose the director raises a form to love much more etérea that the one that can be dictated by a determined sexual direction, raises a free love of damages, other peoplés to everything what it could upset it. If it is taken, nevertheless, the freedom, and would dare to also say that the pleasure to me to respond and/or to refute some points that Rose Troche, the director of Go fish and Guinevere left clear sharply in their film. Thus for example, in a scene of Persecuting to Amy, the friends of Alyssa, the lesbian girl lover of the protagonist, reproach the salary to him enamored with a man, undressing it of their title of lesbian. In Go fish is a scene in which a lesbian girl who finishes lying down with a man, also is repudiada by her resemblances. The essential difference between both, is that in Go fish, the girl admits the sexual encounter and refutes its friends, saying that the encounter is not more than sex, than in spite of wishing, and to lie down with men she it does not stop being a lesbian. Alyssa, the protagonist of Persecuting to Amy, also recognizes the felt salary attracted by a man, but it proclaims its acts and their intentions as something other peoplés to any label. To her it does not concern the name to him that they give him, does not wish to be within a catalogue, single it wishes to be she, and to consume that supposed sexual freedom that it has. He is peculiar also that Smith of a smallest paper in Persecuting to Amy to Guinevere, that for of singer in the premises of lesbians to whom we can estimate, habitually Alyssa goes, and is indeed right after their small interpretation when Holden - alter ego of Smith -, discovers that the girl of whom this encaprichado is lesbian. Perhaps it is a coincidence, perhaps there is really no bond between this fact and the history that interests to us, but even so it seems to me a peculiar data. Arrived at this point, that is to say, small heterosexual enamored with a lesbian finally it is corresponded, leaving perhaps concluded his small frustration with Guinevere, complica history still more because it gives a radical turn, and Holden, the protagonist discovers that loved his it has had a sexual past in his quite non-uniform opinion. It discovers that he has not been he, the only man who has had it, is more, the nickname of the girl during the institute was sándwich; she between two uncles. Holden is not able to assume the past sexual of Alyssa, and evidently that deteriorates the relation. With respect to this, the opinions also are very varied, if we pay attention to the words to Smith, we could find their origin in the relation who maintained with Joey Lauren Adams, the actress who gives life to Alyssa. He admits that its relation with the actress was truncated the past due to sexual/emocional of her. Although also he clarifies that she is not lesbian and that its relation and the outcome of this, such do not correspond to reasons or data that appear in the film. Thus we see that Persecuting

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