High school theory class?

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Posted by DogMattic at ool-435214cb.dyn.optonline.net on May 22, 2003 at 19:40:35:

So, rumor has it an english teacher in my school was talking about starting a class in which "We watch movies and talk about them", open only to juniors and seniors. This to me sounds like she was trying to describe film theory to idiots.
So, I then got to thinking I should do all in my power to get this off the ground ASAP so I can take it senior year. Here's what I've got...

The class would last 90 days with 80 minute periods, usually meeting 5 days a week. Every 10 days would be a unit. A unit would include 2-3 or so films laid out to be used every time, 1-2 films picked by the teacher, and a film picked by the class. Every film would have a stat sheet with things like budget, how much it made, cast, synopsis, special notes and some questions like "What subtle hints did the writer use to make ____ become evil?" and such. If possible at the end of the unit there would be a showcase in which students write and perform a scene demonstrating what the unit is talking about or bring in a scene on tape or DVD. For every unit there would also have to be a paper, probably about 3 pages long discussing what makes this element work, why it is or isn't needed, thoughts on it's use, and how to make it work and how not to make it work.

As a final project, or maybe a project done twice, students make a short film demonstrating one or all of the techniques, or how to and not to do them.

If possible lecturers would come in, and ideally a waiver would be signed allowing various objectionable movies to be played, maybe a small lab fee like 25 dollars to make the class more affordable.

Units would be:
- Characterization/Character Arcs
What makes a good guy good and a bad guy bad, changes in a character

- Sequels
How sequels work without doing the same thing again or completly forgetting the first

- Comedic Timing, Suspense, Pacing
Could be broken up further, just various methods of building suspense, deliveries

- Man & woman, friends, love triangle, men on a mission war film

- Special Effects and Macgruffins
Special effects including makeup, costumes, props, graphics, movie within a movie, CGI, etc. Macgruffins being a term Hitchcock invented for devices that are unnecessary to yet advance the plot. Like the contents-unknown briefcase of Pulp Fiction.

Short films, silent films, collaborations
- A grab bag, if you will.

Exploitation Films
- Nuff said

Symbolism/Power of suggestion
- I am not big on symbolism, so if you have a better one, suggest away. Maybe I'll make it a double unit and wipe out exploitation films to make it genre films.

Against all odds
- Various things that change how the movie was made. Budget constraints, casting problems, cast/crew illness, time constraints, etc etc etc.

So, if any of you have ever helped to organize or taken a class like this, feel free to pitch in.

*Please note I am thinking about taking a couple categories out and leaving room for other ones to have more time.

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