Wow, I think I'm more afraid of you

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Posted by Thom_Fowler at on September 18, 2003 at 15:09:00:

In Reply to: Re: I agree with this in principal posted by VioLenT BoB (Dr.J0nes) on September 18, 2003 at 05:36:39:

Dude, I'm not talking about protecting the ability to break the law, although there are armys of lawyers who are not the ACLU who go to court every day to defend and protect their clients illegal actions that are more devastating than driving without proof of insurance.

We need to establish some perspective here. The particular instance is not as important as the principle.

I just watched a screening of LUTHER starring Ralph Fiennes (opens September 26th) and I was impressed by Fiennes characterization of Luther's steadfastness to stand up to the establishment that literally ruled his world.

And that changed the course of history. He could have just accepted the infallibality of a very human (and very corrupt) pope (he was an augustinian monk, priest and theologian) and towed the party line, but his conscience nagged at him and he saw that the Church was abusing its position and taking advantage of the common person. Not leading them to salvation and spiritual liberation (ironically, through the bondage of Christ) but instead using the rhetoric of sin and redemption to raise money for the Pope to fund agressive military campaigns in order to spread the political power of the Roman Church and its increase it's wealth.

You are like the cardinal who was the advisor to Emperor Maximillian, - whispering into his ear, "deliver Luther to the Vatican to be executed."

I mean, I'm reading your post and I'm wondering, "is he being ironic?"

Don't fight the good fight, unless you are Rudy. What that does even mean?

Is Rudy going to have to lead humanity to an enlightened, wise and compassionate future? Should all us "regular" folks stay at home and watch TV while RUDY, the gallant knight on a white steed, rides to victory over the backs of the damned?

Is Rudy Guiliano our new Mighty Mouse. "Yes sir, when there is a wrong to right, Mighty Mouse will join the fight."


You sound like a fascist totalitarianist. I mean, you even call yourself Violent.

I'm sorry that I've resorted to shaming and name-calling, but damn if the attitude of your post didn't irk me, so I'm lashing out in a safe, non-violent way.

I don't presume to change your attitude, so instead of an argument, I'm just expressing my frustration with you.

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