Your favourite person is baaackkk............

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Posted by FrankNFurter at on September 21, 2003 at 13:02:20:

In Reply to: Hello you freaks and Geeks...... posted by FrankNFurter on September 21, 2003 at 12:50:10:

Ive heard that its trendy to keep,whats known as a blog,on the internet,and,even though im not one to go along with the trends,I thought that keeping a blog was a good idea.So,ive decided to start my very own blog here on the view askew message board........

21/9/03 5:53pm

Boring day in all.Ive pretty much been glued to either the TV screen or the computer screen for the majority of it.What a sad life I lead.Hopefully the day will liven up tommorow.
My best friend rung me up not that long ago and told me some ''good news''.Well,good news on his behalf.I swear he was just trying to rub this in my face.Hes got the lead in the Pantomine at school,whereas im stuck doing makeup.Oh joy (you can probably sense the sarcasm in my voice.Anyway,life goes on..........I really wanted that godamn lead,or at least to be on stage.But insted im going to be cooped up for the evening in a box room that stinks of medicine tarting everyone up before they go up onstage.I bet ''poo mouse''(im not going to mention my mates name on the internet,for the sake of his privacy.....also,idont wont him to think im jelous of him......but I think he'll guess im talking about him if he comes across this as hes the only friend ive got anyway)rubs it in my face.

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