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Posted by shitty speller...DEAL WITH IT! at on November 09, 2003 at 16:07:26:

I hate to do so, but i usually go through ticketmaster when I get tickets, because theres no other way around it. I'm seein THE RAPTURE at the el rey, and the el rey is cool enough to sell tickets on their site, for only 2 extra dollars. sadly, their tickets sold out. ticketmaster still had them on sale. so i could have gotten in for 17 bucks, but i now have to shell out 27 for those cocksuckers at ticketmaster.

I want to see ANTI FLAG tommorw at the henry fonda theater, which is this sorta small all GA venue across from the hollywood bowl. I have seen no indication that we can buy the tickets directly from the venue itself. all links point to ticketmaster. the tickets are 13 dollars, but running through ticketmaster would jack it up to 25. tickets are still on sale. my questions...

do you think a punk show like this would sell out? do you think if i bought the tickets there an hour or so before the show i would still have to pay ticketmaster charges? if the website and automated phone message said nothinga bout buying tickets at the venue itself, is it a safe bet to say i really have to do it through ticketmaster?

i know its not a lot of money, but well, money is tight right now and i really don't want to support ticketmaster.


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