Daredevil ...late to the party once again

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Posted by ScottMan at 1cust212.tnt1.mount-vernon.wa.da.uu.net on November 09, 2003 at 21:18:53:

Been a while since I dropped by this wacky corner of the Internet; so many new faces, and so many old faces long gone. On top of that, it's been almost a year since I went to the movie theater, so I've had to do a lot of catching up via DVDs and video. I always knew that after I saw Daredevil, that this is the first "place" I'd visit and post my thoughts about it...for better or for worse.

I just don't understand how that flick got mixed reviews. It is, quite simply, one of the best superhero movies I've ever seen. I took exception to Daredevil letting that guy die on the train tracks, as I know a lot of people did. But when the story unfolded, it all made sense. It gave Matt a direction to go, more characterization, more of all that groovy crap that makes for good drama.

I can only assume the bad reviews came from Affleck-haters. *shrug* Poor guy becomes a star, and the critics are automatically divided into two camps. Weird, but then, I don't trust the opinions of most reviewers to begin with. (Like anybody ever does.)

Almost cried, I did, pussy that I am, when Elektra died. Definately felt a sinking in my gut. Glad I am that Elektra The Movie will be out next, then reuinited with Matt in Daredevil 2.

And, well, Christ. I wish I saw this movie in the theaters, so I could come here and see the reactions. So be it. I just wish Warner Brothers would take heed from the wonderful treatment Marvel is getting on the silver screen, and follow suit with the DC characters they have on perpetual option.

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