Posted by cynicalderek at on November 07, 2003 at 00:11:50:
In Reply to: first 20 minutes of revolutions sucked ass posted by shitty speller...DEAL WITH IT! on November 06, 2003 at 23:28:43:
overall, i was digging the flick. i only had a few problems with it. the first being all the cheesy ass "i believe in you, Neo" lines that everyone kept saying when Neo wasn't even around. especially the one said by the kid in that mech-warrior(i forget the name) thing. "i believe, Neo" then he shoots the chain and unlocks the door.
my second problem was that they didn't have one of those electro-shock deals (forget the name of that too) in Zion. all of their ships were equipped with them, but not the main base. what kind of sense does that make?
that's about it i guess.
: really got wierd. and that trainman character sucked. and the indian family? I didn't get their characters much at all.
: but then it picked up. I really got nervous it would be shitty, but luckly it pulled itself together.