Posted by Deltron at on December 08, 2003 at 03:15:50:
In Reply to: Bush didnt lie about shit. posted by Yoda1013 on December 08, 2003 at 00:37:34:
Damn, alright, look:
: First off he went with intelegence info he had. Wich turned out to be TRUE. but the main streem media is not reporting that fact. That there was a link between Saddam and Bin laden.:
Whatever half-assed cousin's half sister's roommate's mailman's friend relation Saddam had to ol' Osama doesn't undermind the fact that Osama bin Laden, for all intents and purposes, hated Saddam Hussein. They had different ideals. Osama bin Laden is a radical Muslim. Saddam was a power-mad megalomaniac. Is there proof somewhere down the line that Saddam Hussein had contact with these terrorists? Yes. Probably. But you know what? There's probably a helluvalot more records of the US dealing with those terrorists than Iraq.
: I will repost this it was taken from
Boortz has fucking lost it. I dunno what happened to him, but he used to be a fucking genius.
: A few weeks ago The Weekly Standard published a brilliant and well-documented essay detailing intelligence reports which removed any doubt about a connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. These intelligence reports have never been detailed on one single network news broadcast. The mainstream media ignored them. It's almost as if they were afraid of what would happen to the leftist agenda if it ever did become clear to most Americans that the Hussein - bin Laden connection was there!:
Once again, there's a lot of shady connections in a lot of pasts. How many weapons did we sell (or send, even) to Iraq in the 80's? When we were supporting them completely?
: So you can stop whining about how Bush lied. I belive that your high priest My Clinting has acted before without the consent of the all mighty UN.:
Clinton was a fucking moron, too. No politician in the past 50 years, at least, has acted out from under someone else's thumb.
:While we are on the subject of the UN Saddam Was in direct violation of serval UN mandates do you think he would all of sudden comply??:
You know what should be the biggest UN mandate? Not going against a UN ruling to NOT START A WAR WITH A COUNTRY.
:What about the Mass graves that have been found beause people spoke out agenst him the were killed??:
Well, nobody SUPPORTS Saddam Hussein. Nobody's gonna shed any tears over him. It's good that he's gone, sure. But the fact of the matter is that we just invaded, destroyed, and now we're hiring out American companies to rebuild THEIR cities. Do they really NEED four McDonald's in every 30 mile radius?
:So lets leave him in power so he can kill more innocent people. I hjave two words for that FUCK THAT. Humans has a right to feel how that want to feel and say what they want to with out fear of retobution!:
I don't wantcha to think that I've been hostile. Sorry if I came off that way.