Posted by The Mewes at on March 03, 2001 at 13:30:03:
I was watching the Clerks Animated DVD and noticed the similarities between that show and the show The Family Guy (IE : homages/parodies of old tv shows and movies).
When I was checking out the audio-commentary for the last episode, you made mention of the How To Write Cartoons jab at Seth McFarlane stating that he was one of your arch-enemies. You then called McFarlane's Family Guy an "Emmy nominated piece of shit".
I was just wondering what was up between you two as I really liked that show and loved Clerks as well, similarities or no.
Is this a case of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Or is Seth just a complete dick who dissed you or something?
(Anyone out there who know, feel free to chime in for Kevin - I'm sure it's probably nothing too serious but the curiosity is killin' me.)