Tim Burton Sucks

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Posted by Matt_the_Hutt at 2cust163.tnt4.cleveland3.oh.da.uu.net on August 08, 2001 at 17:13:30:

Please post if you are severely pissed off at Tim Burton for his "alleged" theft of material (planet of the apes) or his reaction of he doesn't read comic books and especially wouldn't read anything by Kevin Smith. And Superman Lives, that bastard. Kev had a good script and that Monkeybone motherfucker . . . .

Speaking of which, Monkeybone was based on a graphic novel, now if Burton doesn't read comics, then he probably didn't even read Monkeybone. Oh, but such an imaginitive and genius director such as he doesn't need to read the book.

He could just "re-imagine" the whole thing like he did Planet of the Apes.

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