Terminator series over analysis

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Posted by Gabe at dialtnt14.netmds.com on July 18, 2003 at 21:53:09:

Okay, so I'm sitting around at 'work' today with my cousin and a friend. I put work in quotations because for one, I go in when I feel like it to make a few bucks and two it's hardly work. But that's neither here nor there- We got on the topic of Terminator3, my cousin (Shawn) and I have similar taste in movies and he asked what I thought. I shared with him that I thought it was awesome, didn't let me down at all. Then we started analyzing the flicks. What we realized is that the entire story is imposible; I'll explain. Okay, in part one John's father is sent back in time by John to protect Sarah Conner from the Terminator. Okay, here's the first problem we encountered, how is he sent back in time by John Conner to protect his mother before he was born? John bassicaly sends back his own father, but at the time he sent him back, John wouldn't have existed. I know I'm probably just rambling, but anyway. I'm assuming you see what I'm saying, the entire story couldn't have happened - The only thing I could think of is that everything had already happened. Meaning that at the time say.. Part one took place, Sarah was already protected, had John, John had already led the resistance, the war is over.. All this is happening at the same time, but you can only see one point in time. I'm sorry if none of this makes sense.. But yeah.. I know we over analyzed the hell out of the movies but we were bored and couldn't think of anything else to talk about.


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