What Kevin Smith event is complete without some special guests? Attendees and fans alike loaded up on autographs from the following celebrities:
Amanda Conner is the well known artist and creator of the comic 'Painkiller Jane' and was last seen creating a drawing of 'Black Cat' for some whiny fanboy during the grand opening (fanboy's name held by request).
Jimmy 'Who's Your Daddy' Palmiotti is a household name and well known for his work as an inker on the comic books "Ash" and "Daredevil".
You can check out more of Jimmy and Amanda's work at your local comic store at over at the Event Comics website.
Joe Quesada, the other half of the Jimmy and Joe Duo (or the other third in the Jimmy/Joe/Kevin trio) is the well known penciller on such favorite comic books such as "Daredevil" and "Ash". Joe Quesada can also be seen in prominent roles in the feature films "Chasing Amy" and "A Perfect Murder".
You can check out more of Joe's work at your local comic store at over at the Event Comics website.
Ernie O'Donnell is better known as "Rick 'Fucking' Derris" and as the guy in the stands of the hockey rink scene during "Chasing Amy". And who's that standing next to him? None other than John "Cohee Lundin" Willyung, also known as the guy who killed Dante at the end of 'Clerks' and Kevin Smith's cousin.
Walter Flanagan is also known to Kevin Smith fans as "Walt the Fanboy" and as the guy who owns that damn dog who's faster than any human being on the face of the earth. In addition to being a new father and constant "Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash Employee of the Month", Walter is also a huge fan of Mexican Wrestling films.
Bryan Johnson can be credited as the ringleader of this Grand Opening Event and as the enforcer of the "Two Donuts and One Soda Per Person" rule. He can also be seen as Steve-Dave, the anal retentive comic store owner in "Mallrats" and the cut opening scene in "Chasing Amy".
Brian O'Halloran was applauded by all Reality Tour patrons as he put on a clinic that all other tour guides should follow from now on. His combination of inside knowledge, wit, and stinging comebacks made everyone laugh and beg for more. Brian can also be seen as Dante in 'Clerks', Gill Hicks in 'Mallrats' and 'Jim, Executive #1' alongside Matt Damon in "Chasing Amy". Be sure to look for him in 'Dogma'.
Jason Mewes was seen mumbling something about 'blowholes', passing out on some of the bus tours and drinking Heineken's near the back of the bus (not to mention leaving with two beauties near the end of the event - much to Group 5's dismay.) Jay can be seen in a very prominent role in 'Dogma'.
Kevin Smith is the generous soul who decided to hold a grand opening event which would be accessible to those who would travel to Red Bank (and pay a lowly $30 to cover costs). Kevin's credits include the writer and director of 'Clerks, 'Mallrats', 'Chasing Amy' and 'Dogma', and the writer of the Jay and Silent Bob, Clerks and Daredevil comic book series.