1. TICKETS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. This was made clear when tickets went on sale. If you buy Metalica tickets from Ticketmaster, can you cancel them a month later? No, if you can't make the concert you're stuck with them. Sorry, but we work the same way.

HOWEVER, if you can find somebody to buy your unwanted tickets, then we can be of assistance. Here's the procedure- post on this here board that you have tickets you want to unload. DON'T GIVE YOUR TICKET NUMBERS ON THE BOARD, just say for example, "I have two tickets for theater one on Tuesday for sale." When you find a buyer, both you and the buyer have to e-mail me (vpereira@monmouth.com)- the ticket seller should write something like, "I, John Jackson, have tickets #8-70 and 8-71 that I'd like to sell to Jack Johnson." Then Jack Johnson e-mails me and says, "I wish to buy two tickets for theater one on Tuesday from John Jackson." I will then get in touch with JACK JOHNSON, THE TICKET BUYER, and get his credit card information (Visa or Mastercard)- when I have his info and have successfully processed his order, I will refund the credit card of the original purchaser for the full original sale amount of the tickets. By handling "sales" of tickets among fans this way, we insure that no hanky panky (i.e., price gouging) occurs- the original purchaser of tickets gets a full refund of what he or she originally paid, and the purchaser pays the normal $60 ticket price, and it's all done through View Askew so our attendance lists will be updated accordingly and the ticket transfer will occur without any confusion.

TO TRADE TICKETS, follow the same procedure above, although of course you'll be trading your tickets for somebody elses so no money refunding or repurchasing occurs. Like a ticket sale, a ticket trade HAS TO BE MADE THROUGH ME- so in this case, John Jackson will post on the board- "I have two tickets for theater 2 on Tuesday that I'd like to trade for two tickets on Monday." When you find a trader, both you and the trader e-mail me- "I, John Jackson, have two tickets for theater two on Tuesday- Jack Johnson has two tickets for theater one on Monday, we wish to trade." Jack Johnson e-mails me as well. I make the appropriate changes on our attendance lists, then I will e-mail both of you and confirm the trade and give you your respective new ticket numbers. REMEMBER, DON'T GIVE OUT YOUR ACTUAL TICKET NUMBERS TO ANYBODY- just post the info of which theater and day, and I'll take care of giving each respective party their new confirmation/ticket numbers when the trade is complete.

WHEN TO PICK UP TICKETS- Normal store hours on the Saturday (11 AM- 7 PM) and Sunday (12PM- 5PM) before the event (January 5th and 6th) at Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash on 35 Broad Street in Red Bank, NJ. You can also pick up tickets anytime on MONDAY starting at 8 AM at the Stash until closing, or on Tuesday starting at 10 AM. You need your ticket confirmation numbers- the numbers given to you when you ordered your tickets- and ID to pick up your tickets on those days. There will be a special table set up at the back of the Stash for ticket pick ups.

Some folks have asked if the Stash will stay open late on Monday night for people coming late Monday for Tuesday's show. As of now, this is not the case- the Stash will close at 6 PM HOWEVER, I will ask Walt if it would be cool with him to stay late that night, say until 9 PM. I will post here in a few days and see if he's cool with that.

WHEN WILL THE PROGRAMS BEGIN- On Monday, the festivities will begin with an intorduction in theater 1 at 10 AM- theater 2, 10:15 AM. We will start admitting people into the theater at about 9 AM.

: On Tuesday, festivities in theater 1 will begin with the introduction at 12 noon- theater 2, 12:15 PM. We will start admitting folks to the theater at about 11 AM.

WHAT THEATER ARE YOU IN- On Monday, if your ticket numbers are between 1 and 270, you are in theater 1. 271 to 430, you are in theater 2.

On Tuesday, 8-1 to 8-270, you are in theater 1. 8-271 to 8-430, you are in theater 2. Seats are not assigned, just theaters.

WHAT WILL BE SHOWING- as of now, the only titles we are confirming are VULGAR and BIG HELIUM DOG. More will show, but these two are the confirmed ones.




mini-site design-josh dobbin | info coordinator-len marzigliano | view askew messageboard
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