rendering of button-actual button design not yet final |
Somber, Smalls, and The Marksman are putting together this project
to raise a few grand for the disaster relief effort in New York
City. Somber will be making customized buttons with a Vulgarthon
logo and tagline, and he'll even add your name and handle to
the button before it's assembled!
begin taking names on this page soon, and the buttons can
be picked up and paid for when you get your Vulgarthon tickets
at the Stash in January. The price will be around $6.00
of the sales money will go to a (yet to be chosen) disaster
relief fund in the New York area. Please don't throw your
name down, and then not buy the button in January, as it will
take away from the funds that we can donate to the charity.
Try to buy one as a souvenir even if you don't want to wear
it. They're for a good cause, and they do make a neat memento
of the event.
Ordering Instructions from The Marksman:
an e-mail to
vkbutton@hotmail.com with the subject line 'Nametag Order'
and in the message, list the day of the event you'll be attending
and the two lines that you want your button to say. Here's an
Day 1, Len, The Marksman
Day 2, Joe Schmoe, Silent Joe
It doesn't really matter what goes on your two lines, just try
not to make them too long, and try to stick to the format above,
because we're gonna pipe all these e-mails into a database to
automate the button printing. It's basically the three pieces of
information we need separated by a comma. You can make multiple
entries on one e-mail of you're ordering multiple buttons.
When the V3 weekend hits, we're going to have the buttons at the
Stash somewhere, probably right next to the tickets, so you can
get your button when you pick up your tickets. Just ring up the
button at the Stash registers with the rest of your souvenirs.
This way you can pay with a credit card or whatever.
The registers and bookkeepers at View Askew will track all of the
button sales and the funds will then be forwarded to the charity.
We're making 1000 buttons, and there's only 860 tickets, so even
if you aren't going, you can still order a button. Just pick
either day when you e-mail us your name, and add the words 'Ship
Me' to specify that you want your button shipped to you. Later on,
when the buttons go up for sale online at the Stash, just order
one and specify the name that you left, and the customized one
will be shipped with your order.
If we get less than 1000 names, the remainder of the buttons will
be created without names, and those can be purchased as well,
either online or at the Stash... "